Santiago de Sisa

Origin Description

Santiago de Sisa represents the premium harvest of the San Martin department. The rugged mountain terrain is ill-suited to most crops but Ideal for cacao. The promotion of organic cultivation methods by Peru's government has led to many organic plantations in the region, which has helped make Peru the world's largest supplier of organic cacao. Planting this as an alternative to Coca has helped eliminate a lot of the malicious or dangerous activities that are unfortunately associated with the farming of that plant.

Sisa cacao comes specifically from within the province of El Dorado, furthermore within the district of ‘Santiago de Sisa’ which has a rough area of 300 square km. Santiago De Sisa is home to around 14,000 people, with various native communities. The native people in this area are the ‘Quechua Lamista’ (they like to call themselves ‘Llacuash’). Our supplier, Amazon Specialties, pays the co-operative they source from above market farmgate price and that in turn is being purchased from more than 250 local producers.

The San Martin department is the most productive in Peru, producing more than 40% of the country's annual harvest.

Location: San Martin

Tasting Notes: Coffee, Hazelnut, Red Berry

  • Genetics: Aromatic Criollo, Trinitario

  • Bean Size: Medium

  • Fermentation: 6 days in wooden boxes (Tornillo System)

  • Drying: Outdoors under cover