
Origin Description

Cusco Cacao hails from the Cuzco department of Peru. Much of the Peruvian cacao was cultivated in this department prior to colonization and commercialization, however since then it has drifted behind the jungle-based departments in scale while they have grown exponentially.

A very important region for Peruvian cacao historically, there is a valley in Cuzco named the Urubamba Valley, which has strong significance to the story of the area. Dating back to Incan times, this valley was used as a route into the jungle from up in the Andes mountains. The Incans would also meet natives for trade purposes in the valley.

The region’s culture and mountainous climate give Cuzco cacao unique and largely desirable flavours. Based on their heritage, cacao producers from this area are taking a rare step in cacao farming, by starting their chocolate-making operations to add wealth and career opportunities to their local communities. We handle all our beans respectfully, particularly the small and delicate ones from Cuzco. Working with these beans is a privilege; they are a treasured part of Incan culture rich in history.

Cusco Cacao

Location: Cuzco

Tasting Notes: Sultana, Molasses, Bourbon Barrel

Cuzco Province in Peru
Cusco Cacao Harvest