
Origin Description

Located in the North Amazonian mountains between the Cajamarca and the Amazonas departments, these organic beans originate from the valleys of the Marañon river. Farmers have been living in this valley for generations, the elders teaching the young. A tradition that will be kept alive. Accepted by many as one of the earliest varieties from which modern varieties derive. It is this cacao that motivated Anthony Bourdain and Éric Ripert to come to Peru searching for elusive and mysterious white beans.

The Marañon bean, also known as the Fortunato No. 4, is cultivated at around 900-1300m. It's known as this name because when the USDA conducted genetic tests, they took leaves from a tree from the Fortunato family farm. Of the various cacao tree leaf samples the USDA had, the Fortunato sample was the 4th tested and hence "Fortunato No. 4".

This cacao is also very unique because it has maintained its identity through the course of time. Because of the steep valley walls of the Marañon canyon, the cacao in its valley has been isolated from other genetic influences for many centuries.

Location: Cajamarca, Amazona’s

Tasting Notes: Plum, Spice, Oak

  • Genetics: Fortunato No. 4

  • Bean Size: Medium/Small

  • Fermentation: Box ferment 7 days, mound for further 2

  • Drying: Outdoors for 7 days