Refund Policy

If you receive your order and believe there is something defective or incorrect, please get in touch with us straight away. Our refund period is from 14 days of receipt of the product.

Sun/Heat Damage

We take care to ask our couriers to leave your orders in a cool, safe place, however we cannot always ensure that this will be the case.

We ask that you endeavor to be able to receive the package during the warmer months of the year, as we cannot offer refunds for chocolate that has been left in the sun or a warm environment.


Should you wish to get a refund, please email and explain your reason for requiring one.

If we can confirm the product is in need of a refund, we will follow the steps below:

  • Provide us with a photo of the product, whether it be a fault or a defect, we will use the photo to come to a decision on how to move forward.

  • We can either refund or replace the product with no return necessary, or provide a shipping label to send back to us if the product is in a condition to be returned (see Return Policy)

We do understand every scenario is different, so please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our best to resolve the issue in a fair manner.